Milad-un-Nabi (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)

Milad-un-Nabi (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)

The legal and religious status of celebrating the birth of Holy Prophet (Peace & Blessings be upon him) in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah:

And Indeed everyone rejoices except for Shaytan and his counterparts, because:

أن إبليس رن أربع رنات حين لعن وحين أهبط وحين ولد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وحين أنزلت الفاتحة

Translation: Iblis cried loudly four times, first when Allah declared him as cursed, second when he was thrown out,Third When Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) was born and fourth when Surah al-Fatiha was revealed [Ibn Kathir in Al Bidayah wan-Nihayah, Volume No. 2, Page No. 166]

Note: The above is a small introduction, the Qati'i (absolute) and clear proofs start from below which is a must read In shaa'Allah.

Muslims rejoice on birth of Prophet (Peace & Blessings be upon him) because Allah has told us to rejoice on His"Bounties and Mercies" This following text shall be based on

a) Qur'an and it's sciences

b) Hadith literature

c) Sayings of eminent scholars and fuqaha

d) Counter refutation of claims made against Mawlid.

a) Understanding through Al-Qur'an wal Furqan and It's sciences

Proof No.1

Qur'an states:

قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُوا هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ

Translation: Say: "In the bounty of God. And in His Mercy,  in that "LET THEM REJOICE" : that is better than the (wealth) they hoard (Surah Yunus, 10:58)

Some might think in their wildest of imaginations that birth and arrival of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is not a mercy, some even falsely limit the Mercies of Allah by saying that mercy mentioned here does not refer to Prophet Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam) thus we should not rejoice, so in reply to such people the best answer is found in Tafsir of Qur'an through Qur'an itself.
Qur'an states at another place:

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِلْعَالَمِينَ

Translation: We have not sent you but as a 
“Mercy to the worlds” (Surah al-Anbiya, 21:107)

Hence without any shadow of doubt arrival of Prophet (Peace & Blessings be upon him) is a mercy not only upon us but all worlds and creations of Allah azza Wajjal, thus we should rejoice as ordered in Qur'an (10:58)

Imam Ibn al-Jawzi (rah) explains 10:58 in his Tafsir:

أن فضل الله: العلم، ورحمته: محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، رواه الضحاك عن ابن عباس.
Translation: ad-Dhahak narrated from Ibn Abbas (ra) that Bounty mentioned in this verse means Knowledge (i.e of Qur'an and Tawhid) whereas Mercy means Muhammad (Salallaho alaihi wasalam) [Ibn Jawzi Z'ad al Maseer fi Ilm at Tafsir, (4/40)]
Imam Abu Hayyan al Andalusi (Rahimuhullah) also says:

الفضل العلم والرحمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

Translation: Bounty refers to Knowledge whereas Mercy refers to Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam) [Tafsir Al-Bahr al Muheet, (5/171)]
Imam Jalal uddin Suyuti (Rahimuhullah) says

وأخرج أبو الشيخ عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما في الآية قال: فضل الله العلم، ورحمته محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال الله تعالى
{ وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين }
[الأنبياء: 107].

Abu Sheikh (rah) narrated from Ibn Abbas (RA) That Bounty of Allah means Knowledge, whereas Mercy means Muhammad (Salallaho alaihi wasalam) Allah Ta'ala said: We have sent thee not but as Mercy to Worlds (Al Anbiya: 107) [As-Suyuti in Dur al Manthur (4/330)]
Allama Aloosi (rah) explains that even Fadhl (i.e. bounty) refers to Prophet Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wassalam)

وأخرج الخطيب وابن عساكر عنه تفسير الفضل بالنبـي عليه الصلاة والسلام

Narrated by Al Khatib (rah) and Ibn Asakir (rah) that Bounty refers to An-Nabi (Alaih Salatu Wassalam) [Al-Alusi in Ruh al Ma’ani (11/141)]

Proof No. 2 Qur'an states

ذَلِكَ فَضْلُ اللَّهِ يُؤْتِيهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ وَاللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمِ

That is the bounty of Allah; which He giveth unto whom He will. Allah is of Infinite Bounty (وَاللَّهُ ذُو الْفَضْلِ الْعَظِيمِ )
Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Radhi Allah) explains “Allah is of infinite bounty” as:

(Allah is of infinite bounty) by bestowing Islam and prophethood upon Muhammad (pbuh); and it is also said this means: by bestowing Islam upon the believers; and it is also said this means: by sending the Messenger and Scripture to His created beings. [Tanwir al Miqbas Min Tafsir Ibn Abbas]

Proof No. 3 Qur'an states regarding Yahya (a.s):

وَسَلَامٌ عَلَيْهِ يَوْمَ وُلِدَ وَيَوْمَ يَمُوتُ وَيَوْمَ يُبْعَثُ حَيًّا

Translation: So Peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies, and the day that he will be raised up to life (again)! [Surah al-Maryum, (19:15)]

So the days when Anbiya are born are days of "Tranquility" in sight of Allah.

Proof No. 4 Qur'an states:
We sent Moses with Our signs (and the command). "Bring out thy people from the depths of darkness into light, and teach them to remember the “Days of Allah (بِأَيَّامِ اللَّهِ)." Verily in this there are Signs for such as are firmly patient and constant,- grateful and appreciative. (14:5)
What are the Ayyam of Allah? Imam al-Bayhaqi narrates in his Shu'ab al Iman that Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: The Days of Allah are his "Blessings and Signs" [Tafsir Ruh ul Ma’ani under 14:5]

Istadlal from Ahadith
Proof No.1
Book 006, Number 2606 (Sahih Muslim)
Abu Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported thatAllah's Massenger (may peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me.
This Hadith is also reported in by Imam al-Bahayqi  in his “Sunnan ul Kubra” (Vol. 4, pg. 300 Hadith no 8182, 8259), in the “Sunan” of Imam Nisai and the “Musnad” of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.
It is clear from this Hadith that the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) was very happy about the day of his birth and so fasted out of gratitude.  Fasting is a form of worship, so one can celebrate this day by any form of ibada.  One can fast or hold gatherings or provide food to the poor, all being acts of worship.

Proof No.2
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 38: (Sahih Bukhari)
Narrated 'Ursa; Thuwaiba was the freed slave girl of Abu Lahb whom he had manumitted, and then she suckled the Prophet. When Abu Lahb died, one of his relatives saw him in a dream in a very bad state and asked him, "What have you encountered?" Abu Lahb said, "I have not found any rest since I left you, except that I have been given water to drinkin this (the space between his thumb and other fingers) and that is because of my manumitting Thuwaiba."
Abu Lahab freed Thuwaiba on joy at birth of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam), even the worst of Kufaar and greatest of enemies is given relaxation in his Adhaab due to freeing Thawaiba by pointing with his finger, so Imagine the situation of a momin who rejoices on Mawlid, detailed explanation of this hadith shall be given in the last section of Verdicts from classical scholars.

Proof No.3

Volume 2, Page No. 147, Hadith No. 1130 (Sahih Muslim, Dar ul Kutab al ILmiyyah)

Ibn Abbas “Allah be pleased with him” reported: The Prophet “Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him” came to Madina and saw the Jews fasting on the tenth day of Muharram. They were asked about that. They replied: “This is the day, on which Allah made Moses and the children of Israel emerge victorious over Pharoah. So, we fast on it “OUT OF GLORIFICATION TO IT”. The Prophet “Allah’s blessing and peace be upin him” said: “We have more claim over Moses than you.” So, he ordered Muslims to fast on it

If Jews glorify their days to venerate Musa (a.s) then we Muslims have more right to venerate and rejoice on day when Prophet (saw) was born, this is an accepted analogy as Ulama have derived this specific ruling from the hadith, which shall be mentioned in the last section with detail.

Proof No.4

Volume 1, Page No. 241, Hadith No. 448 (
Sunnan an Nasai’i)

Hadrat Anas bin Malik (RA) narrates that Prophet (Peace be upon him) while mentioning his journey of Miraaj explains: Jibreel (a.s) asked me to get off from Buraak at Bethlehem and told me to say the prayer there, after which he said: Do you know where you have prayed (O Messenger of Allah)?You prayed at Bethlehem where Isa (a.s) "was born".

Imam al-Bayhaqi (rah) narrated this hadith with a different route too from another Sahabi called "Shaddad bin Aws (RA). After narrating it he said:

هذا إسناد صحيح

Translation: This Sanad is "SAHIH" [al-Bayhaqi in Dalayl un Nubuwah (2/355-356)]

So the Mawlid and the places where Prophets (A.S) are born are amongst Sha’ir (sings to be venerated) of Allah. 

Proof from righteous Ulama and Fuqaha
1. Imam Ibn Kathir (Rahimuhullah) - The scholar revered most highly by Salafis/Wahabis in Tafsir & History.

He says regarding Shah Malik al-Muzzafar (rah) the brother in law of Salah-ud-din Ayyubi (rah) the great warrior of Islam respected by all. Regarding this great personality the Salafis spread deception by forging words of Ibn Kathir (rah) i.e. he was actually a Fasiq, cruel and Bidati ruler (Naudhobillah) but in reality Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) said this:

أحد الاجواد والسادات الكبراء والملوك الامجاد له آثار حسنة وقد عمر الجامع المظفري بسفح قاسيون وكان قدهم بسياقه الماء إليه من ماء بذيرة فمنعه المعظم من ذلك واعتل بأنه قد يمر على مقابر المسلمين بالسفوح وكان يعمل المولد الشريف في ربيع الاول ويحتفل به احتفالا هائلا وكان مع ذلك شهما شجاعا فاتكا بطلا عاقلا عالما عادلا رحمه الله وأكرم مثواه وقد صنف الشيخ أبو الخطاب ابن دحية له مجلدا في المولد النبوي سماه التنوير في مولد البشير النذير فأجازه على ذلك بألف دينار وقد طالت مدته في الملك في زمان الدولة الصلاحية وقد كان محاصر عكا وإلى هذه السنة محمودالسيرة والسريرة قال السبط حكى بعض من حضر سماط المظفر في بعض الموالد كان يمد في ذلك السماط خمسة آلاف راس مشوى وعشرة آلاف دجاجة ومائة ألف زبدية وثلاثين ألف صحن حلوى

Translation: He was a generous, mighty master, and glorious ruler, whose works were very good.He built Jamiya al Muzaffari near Qasiyun…During Rabi ul Awwal he used to celebrate Mawlid ash Shareef (يعمل المولد الشريف في ربيع الاول) with great celebration, Moreover, he was benevolent, brave, wise, a scholar, and just person – Rahimuhullah wa Ikraam – Sheikh Abul Khattab (rah) wrote a book on Mawlid an Nabwi for him and named it At-Tanwir fi Mawlid al Bashir al Nazeer, for which he gave him 1000 dinars. His rule stayed till the Rule of Salahiya and he captured Aka and he remained a man worthy of respect.

Al-Sabt mentions that a person attending the gathering of Mawlid held by Muzzafar said: He used to fill the table with 5000 well cooked goats, 10,000 chickens, 100-thousand bowls (of milk) and 30,000 trays of sweets. [Tarikh Ibn Kathir, Al Bidayah Wan Nihaya Volume 13, Page No. 174]

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2. Imam Shahab-ud-din Abul Abbas al-Qastallani (Rahimuhullah) the author of great Seerah book called Al-Muwahib al-Laduniya, he said:

When it is said that Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) was born at night time then the question arises which of the two nights is greater i.e. Night of Decree or Night of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)'s birth?

The Night of Prophet (Peace be upon him)'s birth is superior due to 3 reasons

First: He (salallaho alaihi wasalam) arrived (in this world) on the Night of Mawlid whereas Night of decree was granted to him (afterwards), therefore the arrival of Prophet (Peace be upon him) is greater than what has been granted to him, hence night of Mawlid is higher in virtue.
Second: If Night of decree is vitreous night because Angels descend in it, then Night of Mawlid has the virtue of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) being sent to world. The Prophet (saw) is superior to Angels, therefore night of Mawlid becomes superior.

Third: Due to night of decree, the Ummah of Muhammad (salallaho alaihi wasalam) was given imminence, whereas due to Night of Mawlid all creations were given Fazilah, as Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is sent as Mercy to worlds/creations (Quran 21:107), hence the blessing was made general for all creations.

Reference: Imam Qastallani – Rahimuhuillah in Al Muwahib al Laduniya Volume 1, Page No. 145, Also Imam Zarqani – Rahimuhullah in his Sharah of Al-Muwahib, Volume 1, Page Nos 255-256

Imam Qastallani (Rahimuhullah) also said: May Allah have mercy on the one who turns the nights of the month of the Prophet's birth into celebration in order to decrease the suffering of those whose hearts are filled with disease and sickness."[Al-Muwahib- Volume 1, Page No 148]

3. Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (Rahimuhullah) the Mujaddad (reviver) of 9th century writes:

أن أصل عمل المولد الذي هو اجتماع الناس وقراءة ما تيسر من القرآن ورواية الأخبار الواردة في مبدأ أمر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وما وقع في مولده من الآيات ثم يمد لهم سماط يأكلونه وينصرفون من غير زيادة على ذلك هو من البدع الحسنة التي يثاب عليها صاحبها لما فيه من تعظيم قدر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وإظهار الفرح والاستبشار بمولده الشريف

Translation: The reality of Mawlid is that people gather to recite Quran to the extent that is easy, also to discuss narrations which are regarding Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam), the signs which took place on his birth. Then dinning is arranged for them and they return without adding anything more to this "Bidat al Hasanah". The one who arranges it gets Thawab due to honoring Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and showing gratitude on his birth [As-Suyuti – Rahimuhullah in Al Hawi lil Fatawi, Volume 1, Page No. 292, Published by Maktaba al Asriya, Beirut, Lebanon]

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[Husn al-Maqsad fi Amal al-Mawlid Page No. 41]

Imam Jalal ud din Suyuti (Rahimuhullah) answers why celebrating on birth supercedes the sorrow of Prophet (saw) passing away on same date.

أن ولادته صلى الله عليه وسلم أعظم النعم علينا ووفاته أعظم المصائب لنا والشريعة حثت على إظهار شكر النعم والصبر والسلوان والكتم عند المصائب وقد أمر الشرع بالعقيقة عند الولادة وهي إظهار شكر وفرح بالمولود و لم يأمر عند الموت بذبح ولا غيره بل نهى عن النياحة وإظهار الجزع فدلت قواعد الشريعة على أنه يحسن في هذا الشهر إظهار الفرح بولادته صلى الله عليه وسلم دون إظهار الحزن فيه بوفاته

Translation: The birth of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is a great blessing for us and his death is very saddening for us too, however Shariah has ordered us to rejoice and thank Allah on blessings, whereas on calamity it has taught us to have patience while hiding it, this is why Shariah has told us to do Aqiqa on birth which is a form of being happy and thankful to Allah for giving us birth, but on death there is no concept of sacrificing an animal and even lamenting is forbidden. Hence in light of rulings prescribed by shariah one should rejoice in Rabi ul Awwal on birth of our beloved Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) 
[Husn al-Maqsad fi Amal al-Mawlid Page No. 54-55] Click Here for Scanned Page (61)

[As-Suyuti – Rahimuhullah in Al Hawi lil Fatawi, Volume 1, Page No. 298, Published by Maktaba al Asriya, Beirut, Lebanon]

Note: The day of Prophet (Peace be upon him)'s demise is not 12th Rabi ul Awwal as wrongly perceived by some people due to books like "Sealed Nector" The authentic day of his demise is proven to be 2nd Rabi ul Awwal from Sahih narrations.

4. Sheikh ul Islam and hadith Master of his age, Ibn Hajr Asqalani

The Sheikh ul Islam and hadith Master of his age, Ibn Hajr Asqalani was asked about the practice of commemorating the birth of the Prophet, and gave the following written reply: As for the origin of the practice of commemorating the Prophet's birth, it is an innovation that has not been conveyed to us from any of the pious early muslims of the first three centuries, despite which it has included both features that are praisweorthy and features that are not. If one takes care to include in such a commemoration only things that are praiseworthy and avoids those that are otherwise, it is a praise worthy innovation, while if ones does not, it is not. An authentic primary textual basis from which its legal validity is inferable has occured to me, namely the rigorously authenticated (sahih) hadith in the collections of Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet came to Medina and found the Jews fasting on the tenth of Muharram `Ashura ' [Husn al-Maqsad fi Amal al-Mawlid Page No. 63] [Continued in Next Page No 64]
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So he asked them about it and they replied: "It is the day on which Allah drowned Pharaoh and rescued Moses, so we fast in it to thanks to Allah Most high," which indicates the validity of giving thanks to Allah for the blessings He has bestowed on a particular day in providing a benefit, or averting an affliction, repeating one's thanks on the anniversary of that day every year, giving thanks to Allah taking * any various forms of worship such as prostration, fasting, giving charity or reciting the Koran. Then what blessing is greather than the Birth of the Prophet, the Prophet of Mercy, on this day? in light of which, one should take care to commemorate it on the day itself in order to confrom to the above story of moses and the tenth of Muharram, [but] those who do not view the matter thus do not mind commemorating it on any day of the month, while some have expanded its time to any of day the year, whatever exception bay e taken at such a view. [Husn al-Maqsad fi Amal al-Mawlid Page No. 64]
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I have derived the permissibility of Mawlid from another source of the Sunna [besides Ibn Hajar's deduction from the hadith of `Ashura'], namely :The hadith found in Bayhaqi, narrated by Anas, that "The Prophet slaughtered a `aqiqa [sacrifice for newborns] for himself after he received the prophecy," although it has been mentioned that his grandfather `Abd al-Muttalib did that on the seventh day after he was born, and the `aqiqa cannot be repeated. Thus the reason for the Prophet's action is to give thanks to Allah for sending him as a mercy to the worlds, and to give honor to his Umma, in the same way that he used to pray on himself. It is recommended for us, therefore, that we also show thanks for his birth by meeting with our brothers, by feeding people, and other such good works and rejoicing." This hadith confirms the aforementioned hadith of the Prophet's emphasis of Monday as the day of his birthday and that of his prophethood. [Husn al-Maqsad fi Amal al-Mawlid Page No. 64-65]
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5. Imam Shams-ud-din Dimishqi (Rahimuhullah) writes:

قد صح أن أبا لهب يخفف عنه عذاب النار في مثل يوم الاثنين لإعتاقه ثويبة سرورا بميلاد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم أنشد:

إذا كان هذا كافرا جاء ذمه * وتبت يداه في الجحيم مخلدا
أتى أنه في يوم الاثنين دائما * يخفف عنه للسرور بأحمدا
فما الظن بالعبد الذي طول عمره * بأحمد مسرورا ومات موحدا

Translation: It is proven that Abu Lahab's punishment of fire is reduced on every Monday because he rejoiced on brith of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and freed the slave-woman Thawba (RA) When Abu Lahab, whose eternal abode is hell fire and regarding whom whole surah of Tabat Yada (i.e. Surah Lahab) was revealed, he gets Takhfif in his Adhaab every Monday then Imagine the situation of a (momin) who has spent his life in rejoicing over birth of Prophet (saw) and died as a Mawhid [ Mawrid as Sadi Fi Mawlid al Hadi by Imam al-Dimishqi and Imam Suyuti in Hassan al Maqsad fi Amal al Mawlid, Page No. 66]

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6. Imam Ibn Jawzi (Rahimuhullah)  the most strict scholar in al-Jarh wa't Tadeel, even he wrote a complete book on Mawlid where he said:

In Haramayn (i.e. Makkah and Madina), in Egypt, Yemen rather all people of Arab world have been celebrating Mawlid for long. Upon sight of the moon in Rabi ul Awwal their happiness touches the limits and hence they make specific gatherings for Dhikr of Mawlid due to which they earn immense Ajr and Success.[Biyan al Milaad an Nabwi, Page No. 58]

7. Shah Wali Ullah Muhadith Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) the great Imam of al-Hind mentions one of his all time wonderful experiences as:

I took part in a gathering of Mawlid inside Makkah where people were sending Darood and Slaam upon Prophet (Peace be upon him) and mentioning the incidents which took place during the time of your birth (before and after) and those which were witnessed before you were appointed as a Nabi (such as Nur eliminating from Bibi Amina RA, she seeing Nur, woman proposing to Abdullah RA on sight of Nur on his forhead etc...) suddeny I saw Nur to have enveloped one group of people, I don’t claim that I saw this with my bodlily eyes, nor do I claim that it was spiritual and Allah knows the best regarding these two, however upon concentration on these Anwaar a reality opened upon me that these Anwaar are of those Angels who take part in such gatherings, I also saw Mercy to be decending along with Anwaar of Angels[Fuyoodh al Haramayn, Pages 80-81]

8. Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) the author of leading book written on refutation of Rafidhis (i.e. Tohfa Athna Ashriyah) he said:

The Barakah of Rabi ul Awwal is due to birth of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) in this month, the more this Ummah sends Darud and Salaam and arrange for (sadaqa for the poor), more will they be blessed [ Fatawa al Azizi 1:123]

9. Mullah Ali Qari (Rahimuhullah) the author of Sharh al Mishqaat and magnificent Hanafi scholar, he said:

Allah said: There hath come unto you a messenger, (one) of yourselves (9:128), In this It is pointed towards honoring the time when Prophet (saw) arrived amongst us, therefore one should do dhikr (of Quran) to thank Allah. As for Samah and playing is concerned then that which is Mubah (i.e. allowed) could be made part of Mawliddue to happiness without any harm [Muallah Ali Qari in his Al Mawlid an Nabi, Page No. 17]

10. The great Mufasir and Sufi, Hadrat Ismail Hiqqi (Rahimuhullah) said:

To celebrate Mawlid is amongst the great tributes to Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam), but the condition is that it should be clear of evil things. Imam Suyuti (rah) has said: It is Mustahab for us to be happy on birth of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) [Tafsir Ruh ul Bayan, Volume 9, Page No. 52]

11.The Poet of the East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal (Rahimuhullah) said:

Milad un Nabi (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is amongst the sacred days for Muslims. According to my understanding it is very crucial for nourishment and treatment of human minds and hearts, Hence it is necessary for Muslims to keep in their sight the Aswa ur Rasul (salallaho alaihi wasalam). In the following three ways they can keep their emotions intact.

1. The first way is of sending Darood and Salaam which is part and parcel of Muslim's life, they try to find every possible time to send Darood. I have come to know about Arab world that if 2 people get into a fight in market then the third says loudly: Allah humma Sali Ala Sayyidna wa Barik Wassalim, hearing this the fight stops immediately, this is the power which Darood holds therefore it is necessary to embed the thought in heart of the person on whom Darood is sent (i.e. Prophet Salallaho alaihi wasalam)

2. The second way deals with Gatherings i.e. Muslims should gather in great number and one person out of them (i.e. leader) who is fully versed regarding the Life and works of Pride to the worlds (i.e. Prophet Salallaho alaihi wasalam) should mention them in detail so that the devotion to follow the way of Prophet (saw) awakens in hearts of Muslims, for this purpose we have also gathered today.

3. The third way is although difficult but still it to be mentioned is very important. It is that Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is remembered in such a way that our hearts (and ways) become Mazhar (signs) of different aspects of Nabuwah i.e. the feeling which was there about 1300 years ago due to literal presence of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam), the same feeling arises in our hearts too. [Asaar e Iqbal, Pages. 306-307]

11. Maulana Abdul Hai Luckhnawi (Rahimuhullah) said:

When a kafir of Abu Lahab’s calibre gets rewarded upon rejoicing on birth of Prophet (saw), then an Ummati who gets happy on his birth and spends due to his love for him would of course be established on high standards, just like it has been mentioned by Ibn Jawzi (rahimuhullah) and Sheikh Muhadith Haq Dhelvi (Rahimuhullah) [Abdul Hai in Majmua al Fatawa, Volume 2, Page No. 282]

Khalil Ahmed Sahranpuri in Al-Muhannad broke all barriers when he said:: What are we, not even a single Muslim can consider Dhikr of birth of Prophet (saw), rather dhikr of his shoes, RATHER DHIKR OF URINE OF HIS DONKEY TO BE BIDAH OR HARAM [Al Muhannad, Page No. 60, Question No. 21]

12.The famous scholar of Ghair Muqalideen, Nawab Saddiq Hassan Khan Bhopali said:

What is wrong in it if we cannot do dhikr of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s Seerah, his Hidaya, his Birth and his death evreyday, then we should do it every month and in days of Rabi Ul Awwal and they should not be left empty.

He writes further: A Person who does not get happy upon incidents of Mawlid and does not thank Allah for such a great blessing then "SUCH A PERSON IS NOT MUSLIM" [Ash Shamama tul Anbarah min Mawlid al Khayr ul Barah, Page No. 12]

Note: No wonder our Salafis have not even spared their own people in Takfir, the above fatwa is an open takfir upon all Salafis who make sad faces on Mawlid and try to refute it (Note: Its has been mentioned in the beginning that Shaytan cried loudly on birth of Prophet saw)

13. Sheikh ul Islam Imam Ibn Hajr al Haytami (Rahimuhullah) writes:

The gatherings of Mawlid and Adhkaar which take place during our time, they are mostly confined to good deeds, for example in them Sadaqat are given, Dhikr is done, Darud and Salam is sent upon the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) and he is praised. [Imam al Haythami (rah) in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 202]

Counter refutation of Salafis (by brother Aamir Ibrahim, if anyone finds any refutation of this counter refutation then contact brother Aamir directly on the skype id provided on home page of this website)

Q) Mawlid was not practiced or arranged by any of the Sahaba, nor is there any proof of it being done by Tabiyeen, these are the Islaaf whom we follow and choosing their way is the safest path.

Answer: First of all, it is false to say this because Prophet (Peace be upon him) himself celebrated the day of his birth as proven from Sahih Muslim that Prophet (Peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on monday and he replied "He was born on this day and reveletion was sent on him" [See above the heading called "Istadlal from ahadith, Proof # 1], above all, Allah azza Wajjal Himself takes the "DAYS OF PROPHETIC BIRTHS AS DAYS OF PEACE" [See Qur'an 19:15]

Secondly, the Salafis are asked to bring forward a categorical hadith in which Prophet (Peace be upon him) forbade Mawlid, remember to prove something haram you need a more stronger proof whereas even silence goes in favour of us Sunnis due to this following hadith:
عن أَبي الدرداءِ قالَ: قالَ رسولُ الله صلى الله عليه وسلّم: «ما أَحلَّ الله في كتابهِ فهوَ حَلالٌ، وما حَرَّمَ فهوَ حَرامٌ، وما سَكَتَ عنهُ فهوَ عَفْوٌ، فاقْبَلوا مِنَ
الله عافِيَتَهُ، فِانَّ الله لم يَكُنْ ليَنْسَى شَيْئاً، ثمَّ تلا:وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ نَسِيًّا

رواه البزار والطبراني في الكبير، وإِسناده حسن ورجاله موثقون .

Translation: Abu Darda (RA) narrates that the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) said: Whatever Allaah has permitted in His Book is Halaal, whatever He has forbidden is Haraam, "AND ANYTHING OVER WHICH THERE IS SILENCE IS PARDONED" so accept the pardon of Allaah, for Allaah cannot be forgetful. Then he recited this verse: ‘and your Lord is never forgetful’ [Maryam 19:64].[Imam Haythami in Majma uz Zawaid 1:171, Hadith No. 794]

Imam Haythami (rah) said: It is narrated by Al-Bazzar and Tabarani in his Kabir with "Hassan chain having reliable narrators"

This hadeeth is also classified as Sahih by Nasir ud-din Albani in his Silsilat as Sahihah (5/325)

Hence according to this hadith the Silence proves Mawlid to be allowed because the Asl for this is found in Qur'an and Sunnah as so many proofs have been shown above.

Thirdly even if assuming Sahaba or Tabiyeen did not do it (although no proof of Nafi exists) then there are many things which were not practiced by Sahaba and Tabiyeen, but later Ulama derived rulings on them looking at the principles, Therefore If anything does not contradict the principles of Shariah then it has always been allowed, for example the knowledge of al-Jarh wa't Ta'deel in hadith, the knowledge of Asma ur Rijaal, putting Araab (punctuation) on Qur'an, Building minarets on mosques, narrating hadiths with chain of narrators etc... The point is that their Asl is found in Shariah, similarly the Asl for rejoicing on Mawlid is found in Qur'an itself let alone Sunnah where it is definitely found too.

Q) Mawlid is Bidat al Dhalalah (blameworthy innovation), Prophet (Peace be upon him) said in rigorously authentic ahadith that All bidahs are misguidance and all misguidance are in the fire.

Answer: This hadith is not general but rather specific as classical scholar Imam Ibn Hajr al Haythami (rah) explained:

وفي الحديث "كل بدْعة ضلالة وكل ضلالة في النار" وهو محمول على المحرمة لا غي

Translation: That which is narrated in Hadith that All innovations are evil and all evil are in hell fire, This hadith will be applied for Bidat al Muhrima (i.e. category of haram innovations only) not others.[Al Haytami in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Volume No.1 Page No. 109, Published by Dar ul Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon]

Secondly, such terminology is used in Shariah many times, for example Quran states: "Verily you and what you worship apart from Allah are the fuel of hell" (Qur'an 21:98)

We all know that Jesus is worshiped by Christians, now if we make this ayah general then Naudhobillah Jesus shall become fuel of hell fire too (Audhobillah Min Dhalik), therefore we have to understand the reality behind words of Prophet (Peace be upon him), the Bidahs which Prophet forbade were all new innovations which contradicted shariah, the dalil for this could be found in Sahih Bukhari

Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861: (Sahih Bukhari - Muhsin Khan Wahabi translation)

Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."

The Important Usool

We know from many ahadith that Prophet (Peace be upon him) allowed new matters in deen, like few sahaba recited Fatiha on bite of snake (see: Bukhari 
Volume 3, Book 36, Number 476), they had no knowledge of it from Prophet (Peace be upon him), but on coming to Prophet  it was approved, some people still argue that it was allowed in presence of Prophet, so whatever he allows and forbids we have to follow, the answer to this is that Prophet could never contradict in his sayings, If he has laid down a principle that all innovations are evil in mutlaqqan terms then there is no Jawaz of him accepting some himself, hence It is necessary to check everything according to principles of Shariah.

One more answer to this is that Umar (ra) called combining sahaba behind 1 Qari as "Na’imal Bidatu Hadihi (i.e. What an Excellent innovation this is)" refer to Sahih Bukhari in Kitab ut Tarawih... this is proof from Nass that every bidah is not bad, on this some people also argue that Umar (ra) was referring to Lughwi Bidah not Shari’i, they are asked to bring proof from hadith itself that Umar (ra) differentiated bidah between Lughwi and Shari’i?

Above all Uthman bin Affan (ra) started the second Adhaan for Jumma, Salafis reply to this as: They were Khulafa ar rashideen and we are bound to follow them because hadith states so, the answer to this is same i.e. had every bidah been evil then our pious predecessors would not have contradicted themselves, had word Bidah been only bad then Sayyidna Umar (RA) would have used wording "Ni'mal Sunnat" rather than Ni'aml Bidatu"

Q) The day of Prophet (Peace be upon him) ‘s birth is not confirmed to be 12th of Rabi Ul Awwal, rather his day of death is confirmed to be 12th Rabi Ul Awwal, hence to rejoice on a sad day is a wrong thing.

 First of all those who prove Mawlid always believe that Mawlid is not restricted to 1 date only, you can rejoice on any day, secondly the early most Seerah books like Seerat Ibn Ishaq (rah), Ibn Hisham (rah), Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d (rah) confirm the date of birth to be 12th Rabi ul Awwal, so does Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) in his book Sirat ar Rasul where he calls it mainstream opinion and calls other opinions as weak....


Ques). Mawlid is root cause of filthy things in ummah like drinking, intermixing with women, music etc…

Ans: This type of ignorance is hurled at Muslims when opposite party is left with nothing credible to say, This is also answered in the article by the way, i.e. If someone does a wrong deed in Masjid then this does not mean we stop going to Masjid completely, secondly we ask Salafis: Would these things become Halal if not done in Milad? Hence Mawlid itself is allowed and salafis only use straw-man argumentation.

Ques) Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) called Mawlid as a grave innovation in Al Bidayah wan Nihaya, Malik Muzzafar ud din was as Bidati, Fasiq ruler?

Ans: It’s a lie and forgery to Ibn Kathir's text as proven above.

12 Rabi-ul-Awal: The Most Authentic Date of Milad
Some people claim that the exact date of birth of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) is not known and hence there is little room for the celebration of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) on 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal.

12 Rabi-ul-Awal is not only accepted as Milad Day from the classical and ancient scholars, it is also confirmed by the governments of the whole Islamic world. The holidays of almost 2 dozen Islamic countries, and except Iran ALL other countries celebrate it on 12 Rabi-ul-Awal. Iran celebrates it on 17 Rabi-ul-Awal, but this is because they coincide it with the birth date of Imam Jafar Sadiq (علیھ السلام).

Opinion of Renowned Historians about the Authentic Date of Milad

1. Imam Ibn Ishaq (85-151 H): Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was born on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal in Aam-ul-Feel. (Ibn al Jawzi in Al-Wafa, Page 87)

2. Imam Ibn Hisham (213 H): Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was born on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awal in Aam-ul-Feel. (Ibn Hisham in As-Sirat-un-Nabawiya, Vol. 1, Page 158)

3. Imam Ibn Jareer at-Tabari (224-310 H): Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was born on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awalin Aam-ul-Feel. (Tarikh-ul-Umam-wal-Muluk, Vol. 2, Page 125)

4. Allama Abu-ul-Hasan Ali Bin Muhammad Al-Mawardi (370-480 H): Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was born 50 days after the event of Ashab-ul-Feel and after the death of His father on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awal. (Ailam-un-Nabuwa, Page 192)

5. Imam Al-Hafiz Abu-ul-Fatah Al-Undalasi (671-734 H): Our leader and our Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم), the Messenger of Allah, was born on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awalin Aam-ul-Feel. (Aayun-al-Asr, Vol.1, Page 33)

6. Allama Ibn Khaldun (732-808 H): Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was born on 12th Rabi-ul-Awal in Aam-ul-Feel. It was the 40th year of Emperor Kasra Noshairwan. (Ibn Khaldun in At-Tarikh Vol. 2, Page 394)

7. Muhammad As-Sadiq Ibrahim Arjoon: From various turaq (chains) it has been established as true that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was born on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awal in Aam-ul-Feel in the reign of Kasara Noshairwan. (Muhammad Rasool Ullah, Vol. 1, Page 102)

8. Sheikh Abdul-Haq Muhadath Dehlvi (950-1052 H):Know it well, that over-whelming majority of the experts of sayar and tarikh (i.e. biographers and historians) hold the opinion that An-Hazrat (i.e. the prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) was born in Aam-ul-Feel … It is well known that the month was of Rabi-ul-Awal and its date was 12. Various scholars have shown their agreement with this (date). (Madarij-un-Nabuwa, Vol. 2, Page 14)

9. Nawab Muhammad Sadiq Hasan Khan Bohapalvi: The birth (of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)  happened in Mecca at the time of Fajar on Monday 12th Rabi-ul-Awal in Aam-ul-Feel. Majority of scholars holds this opinion. Ibn Jawzi has narrated a consensus (of scholars) on it. (Ash-Shumama-tul-Anbariya Fi Mowlid Khair-al-Bariya, Page 7)

You can see that the historians / scholars from the first / second century of Hijri, as well as the scholars of later times, had been authenticating it. The list also includes the well known leader of Salafis, i.e. Nawab Sadiq Hasan Bohapalvi.
This Date is Officially Recognized by Islamic World

Milad-un-Nabi (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) is celebrated throughout the Islamic world, with the exception of a few countries. Interestingly, all the Islamic countries (except Iran, who celebrate on 17th) celebrate it on 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal.

Here is a list of 16 Islamic countries who hold an official holiday on 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal (the actual list is longer than this):

مرا کش

The most authentic date of Milad-un-Nabi (i.e. Prophet (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)'s birth), as agreed upon by the classical and later scholars and historians, and as officially recognized by Islamic countries, is Monday 12 Rabi-ul-Awal.

Now Im going to prove from a scholar whom even Salafi consider the top most scholar in Tafsir and Tarikh and he not only says 12th is the mainstreem opinion but also relies with exact hadith for it

ورواه ابن أبى شيبة في
مصنفه عن عفان ، عن سعيد بن ميناء ، عن جابر وابن عباس أنهما قالا : ولد رسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم عام الفيل يوم الاثنين الثانى عشر من شهر ربيع الاول

Translation: Ibn Abi Shaybah (rah) in his Musannaf narrates from Affan>>Sa’id>>Jabir and Ibn Abbas (ridhwan Allahu ajmain) who said: Rasul Ullah (salallaho alaihi wasalam) was born in the year of elephant on Monday, the 12th Rabi Ul Awwal [Ibn Kathir in Seerat un Nabi, Volume 1, Page No. 199]
Then he said:

وهذا هو المشهور عند الجمهور
والله أعلم .

This is what is famous amongst Majority and Allah knows the best [ibid]

Imam Qastallani (rahimuhullah) said: Rasul Ullah (saw) was born on 12th Rabi ul Awwal and People of Makkah follow it,on this same day they visit (your place of birth).. It is famous that you were born on 12th Rabi ul Awwal, the day was of Monday, Ibn Ishaq (rah) and others have narrated this too [Al Muwahib al Laduniya, Volume 1, Page No. 88] 
