Finality of Prophethood
The unanimous Belief of Muslim world is that Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the Last and Final Messenger/Prophet of Allah. In other words Prophet-hood has ended with Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and those who do not believe in it are ventured out of the bounds of Islam. This article is divided into different sections for better and clear understanding. A) Lexicographical definitions B) Proof from Quran in light of classical Mufasireen C) Proof from overwhelming Sahih Ahadith D) Consensus of Muslim scholars and Ummah E) The Constitution Law of Pakistan (and declaration of Muslim world that Qadiyanis are Apostates/Kufaar) F) The False Prophet i.e Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani al-Kaddhab and his false claims Lexicographical definitions Imam Ibn Munzur [Born: 630 AH] and Allama Ismail bin Hammad al Juhri [Born: 332 AH], the reason why we have mentioned the...